EventStudio System Designer 8

Build your model and generate interface and interaction sequence diagrams

Simple modeling language

declarative. expressive.

Enter your model in FDL, a declarative and expressive modeling language. There are no new quirky graphical editors to learn. No need to worry about diagram formatting.

message. interactions.

Model message and object interactions. Specify parameters. Represent compound messages like multicasts and message chains.

actions. timers. states.

Models timer start, stop and expiry. Define state transitions. Specify resources allocated and freed.

FDL model and generated sequence diagram shown side-by-side

edit model in visual studio code

Vscode window showing editor features

EventStudio is implemented as a Visual Studio Code extension. Edit FDL and the JSON project files using an editor that supports features like:

  • Tabs and split screen editing.
  • Multi-cursor editing.
  • Brace matching and code folding.
  • In-line error reporting of design errors.

Editor extensions that allow you to select a theme, check spellings and open PDF sequence diagrams within the editor.

manage alternative scenarios

Document alternative scenarios by just specifying the differences with the base scenario. Use #ifdef statements to identify the differences. The differences you identify may be a completely different flow. In some cases, the difference might be just a parameter in a message.

Once you string together the defines into scenarios, EventStudio will verify the design for each scenario.

The defines may be used to customize the document content as well.

FDL file with scenario definition and project file

catch design flaws

Screenshot showing design errors detected by EventStudio

EventStudio automatically checks for all scenarios for design errors. The review catches design errors like:

  • Free running timers
  • Memory leaks due to missed dynamic object deletes
  • Resource leaks

In addition to the auto review comments, architects can enter issues right in the model.

analyze at different abstraction levels

Example of a 5 tier hierarchy modeled with EventStudio
Generate sequence diagrams at system, subsystem, module, component or object level.
Full call flow view
System architects may view the complete model as a sequence diagram.
component level sequence diagram
Members of the test team may work at component level view that hides object level interactions.
module level sequence diagram
Business analysts may prefer a module level view that hides object and component level details.

focus on individual entities

interface sequence diagram
Development teams may view only parts of the model that they are implementing.
context diagram
A development team manager may prefer a high level view of the interactions.


Vscode window showing git integration

collaborate with git

Use the built in git client to collaborate within the systems engineering team. Use branching and merging features of git to manage parallel development of the architecture.

include files
macro definitions

header files and macros

Use header files and macros to share common architecture design patterns within the team. You may also define custom snippets to enforce common design patterns.

object interaction diagram in microsoft word

share with ms office

Embed diagrams into Microsoft Office documents as full fidelity vector images. EventStudio exports diagram as Enhanced Meta Files (EMF).